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Female Founder Mindset Gym

3-Month Virtual Program to Build Your Resilience and Financial Confidence

Created with Angela Shurina

What Makes Our Program Different?

  • Program focus – You get a unique combination of mindset training, business education, and mentorship, equipping you with essential tools for success. All content is tailored specifically to address the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs.

  • Community of female founders Together, we are stronger. By joining a community of like-minded female entrepreneurs, you’ll gain invaluable support and develop the resilience needed to overcome obstacles on your path to success.

  • Mentorship – Surrounding yourself with experienced advisors and mentors provides access to their knowledge, connections, and a perspective that recognizes your limitless potential.

  • Accountability Framework – Building habits takes time, and knowing what to do isn’t always enough. The 3M program fosters habit formation through collective effort, making it easier for you to maintain progress. You can also have weekly 5-minute check-ins with one or two peers to inspire and support one another.

  • Accessibility – Our programs are designed to be accessible to early-stage female founders like you and are available online at various times across multiple time zones. This flexibility ensures you can afford to attend and benefit from the program no matter your schedule.

Every attendee wants success for themselves for different reasons. And if you want to chart a path to greatness, it starts with being prepared for it!

  1. Who is it for?

    Any early-stage female founder, especially if fundraising.

  2. When and Where?

    All meetings take place on Zoom. We have multiple program options available. Click on the registration button and choose the program time that works for you.

  3. How to register?

    Simply click on the “Register” button!

  4. How many people will be in the program?


  1. How much does it cost?

    Our program price is $275 for 19 hours of content, 1-hour meet and greet, and bonuses.

  2. Program requirements

    You can miss up to three Mindset meetings. If you miss more than three, you will lose your spot in the program. The meetings are live and will not be recorded. You may skip Q&A sessions and they will be recorded.

  3. Do you have questions?

    We will be happy to answer. Find the time to talk here!

What’s included

12 One-hour Mindset Sessions

  • Key Benefits: Enhance your self-awareness, decision-making, stress management, and prioritization skills with our comprehensive mindset sessions.
  • Session Structure: Every session includes readings, practical exercises and post-session recommendations to take the learnings further to implement in your life and business tomorrow.
  • Our Curriculum:
    • Part 1 – Design Your Day To Win
    • Part 2 – Transform Setbacks and Failure into Innovation and Wins
    • Part 3 – Build a Self-Leadership Mindset

BONUS: Business Library of Resources

  • Business Library of Curated Resources: Access 30+ valuable resources on fundraising, financials, accounting, and IP strategy to strengthen your business foundation.

7 One-hour Q&A Sessions on Key Business Topics

  • Identify gaps in your business knowledge: access expert guidance with our focused Q&A sessions.
  • Expert interaction: Engage with subject matter experts on crucial startup topics, with a special emphasis on fundraising and financial management.

BONUS: 3M Access to the Fourth Effect Platform

  • Advisors and Mentors Network: Gain access to a network of experienced advisors and mentors through the Fourth Effect.

Female Founder Mindset Gym will empower every participant to:

  • Manage stress and maintain razor-sharp focus: Enhance performance and decision-making by effectively handling stress, staying in problem-solving mode, and avoiding burnout and self-blame

  • Embrace setbacks and better prioritize tasks: View failures and rejections as learning opportunities while focusing on mission-critical tasks and aligning efforts with your vision to work purposefully.

  • Foster effective collaboration: Enhance relationships with your team and other stakeholders by actively managing emotions, seeking assistance, listening attentively, and creating a supportive environment.

  • Build business foundation: Gain clarity on accelerating fundraising and business success with high-level knowledge of essential aspects and access to additional resources.

  • Leverage peer support and mentorship: Overcome isolation by seeking advice and support from peers and advisors, ensuring you never feel stuck or powerless.

See What Others Are Saying About Us

“I really enjoyed meeting a diverse mix of peers. The networking was great and the sessions were …

“As a busy entrepreneur, I was drawn to PowerUp Globally Coaching Program’s focus on cultivating resilience …

“Atending the Power Up Coaching pilot has been an absolute game-changer for me. Victoria and Hamp’s …

“What I appreciated most about this program was the opportunity to stop during the work day and have an opportunity …

Startup Sessions: 7 one-hour Q&A sessions on select Fridays 12 pm EST

  • Pitch Deck and Storytelling –  led by Irina Sychov, Founder of Women’s Business Community ANIMA Women, and an expert in voice, pitching, and fundraising, a five-time startup founder with extensive experience working for family offices in London and Miami, and a competitor on the British Show X Factor.

  • Fundraising Strategy – led by Jeanne Sullivan, a veteran investor with over 30-year investing experience. 

  • Sales and Go-to-Market Strategy led by Blair Severn, Chairman and Co-founder of enabling ideas®, a leading venture acceleration studio, Blair has spearheaded go-to-market initiatives, developed strategies, and built marketing and sales operations for both early-stage ventures and enterprise transformations, generating over a billion dollars in growth.

  • Startup Financials – led by Victoria Yampolsky, Founder of The Startup Station, Startup CFO, Expert in Startup Financial Modeling and Valuation.

  • IP Strategy for Fundraising and Growth –  led by Katie Kupstas, CEO and Founder of the Inventors Club for Women (ICW), an organization dedicated to empowering women innovators and increasing the low 13% of women patent holders in the United States.

  • Legal Product Strategy and Data Privacy –  led by Olga Susuni, a technology attorney with 20+ years of international experience in technology contracting, data privacy and security, and regulatory compliance.

  • Startup Valuation and Term Sheet Negotiations –  led by Victoria Yampolsky, Founder of The Startup Station, Startup CFO, Expert in Startup Financial Modeling and Valuation

Bonus: The Fourth Effect 3M Membership

3M complimentary access ($150 value) to our strategic partner, The Fourth Effect. It is a community driven board networking and matchmaking site focused on startup advisory board and investment opportunities.

Membership Benefits:

  • Educational programming and resources you need to scale your company
  • A two-hour Board Governance bootcamp.
  • Networking
  • Weekly one-on-one Q&A Sessions,
  • Monthly angel pitch events,

The Fourth Effect community comprises:

  • 3,500 premium users,
  • 2,000 senior executive women (General Counsel, C-Suite, or Sr. VPs) across industry and skill sets,
  • 800+ Startups and Entrepreneurs,
  • 23 Affiliate Funds, and
  • 150+ angels, LPs and GPs.

Mindset Sessions Curriculum

PART 1: Design Your Day to Win

Start Full – Finish Full. Create simple morning and evening rituals.

Incorporate empowering rituals into your daily routine to start and finish each day on a positive note. These rituals are designed to boost personal energy, ignite optimism, and diminish stress.

When it gets hard – remember why you started. Understand the purpose of your venture, your company, your startup in relation to your personal values and life’s mission.

Align your company’s mission with personal values to ensure a focused pursuit of your purpose. This alignment fuels motivation, provides clarity for prioritizing tasks, and enhances productivity.

Getting THE RIGHT things done.

Master goal-setting for impactful results. Prioritize mission-critical tasks, craft action-oriented daily plans, and sustain motivation by tackling challenging goals efficiently. Avoid the trap of lengthy to-do lists and procrastination.

Master your focus to master your day.

Swiftly overcome mistakes, prioritize what is in your direct control, and maintain a positive attitude. Address the pain points of self-blame, wasted energy, and focusing on “could have, should have, would have” and “what if”.

PART 2: Transform Setbacks and Failure into Innovation and Future Wins

Manage Unreasonable Expectations and Setbacks

Handle the challenges of the entrepreneurial journey with resilience. Navigate setbacks and unreasonable expectations with a pragmatic mindset. Learn how to maintain momentum, adapt quickly, innovate, and avoid stress and burnout.

Simplify to act. Eliminate procrastination and overwhelm.

Prioritize essential projects and make progress in uncertain situations. Restructure your work environment to save time, utilize talent effectively, and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Learn or win – How to effectively manage rejection and failure.

Learn effective management of rejection and failure by staying motivated, preventing self-sabotage, and avoiding burnout. View failures as learning opportunities with actionable takeaways for future success.

Get unstuck – How to navigate bottlenecks.

Dream big. Prevent stagnation. Make the impossible happen. Learn how to generate out of the box ideas and ask for help effectively, leveraging AI and workplace design to enhance innovation and productivity.

PART 3: Build a Self-Leadership Mindset

Believe in yourself and you are halfway there.

Transform anxious thoughts into action plans, prevent self-sabotage, and maintain focus on productive actions. Seek solutions instead of falling into victim-passive mode.

Rewire self-sabotaging habits and behavior responses.

Focus on action and progress instead of setting yourself up for doomsday scenarios. Avoid wasting resources on avoidable hiccups.

Become a stress-proof superhero. Deactivate stress and build resilience.

Make sound decisions under pressure, stay calm during challenges, and bounce back quickly. Use biology, environment, and self-talk to manage stress effectively.

Do your best when it matters the most. Seize more opportunities as they present themselves in life.

Prepare for negotiations and difficult conversations by visualizing the best result and creating win-win outcomes. Manage your stress levels by using powered-up breathwork and posture to boost dopamine and other brain chemicals of confidence and optimal performance.


Is there a refund window?

The fee is not refundable. The group size is limited to give everyone a chance to participate. We will stop the signups once we fill the group. Additionally, every member’s attendance and participation are vital to the success of the program.

Do I have to come to each meeting?

You are asked to attend every meeting because every member’s participation is vital. You can skip a maximum of 3 meetings out of 12. You have to inform your facilitator before the meeting starts that you cannot attend. If you skip more than 3 meetings, you are taken out of the program. No refunds will be provided.

Do I have to prepare for every meeting?

No, just show up! We do require you have the readings available for each session for you to read during sessions and we will share them beforehand.

Will there be homework?

We will recommend post-session exercises and books for each month. It is up to you whether to do them or not.

If I miss a meeting, do I get a recording?

Everyone will get written materials after each mindset meeting. However, to preserve the confidentiality of mindset meetings, no meetings will be recorded. We will record Q&A sessions with SMEs.

What happens if I can no longer attend?

You can inform the PowerUp Globally team that you want to withdraw from the program. No refunds will be provided for any unused sessions.

What happens if Female Founder Mindset Gym cancels a program?

You will get a 100% refund for any remaining sessions.

Who runs the meetings?

Mindset meetings are run by Female Founder Mindset Gym facilitators. Q&A sessions are run by subject matter experts.

About PowerUp Globally

PowerUp Globally is a new non-profit global initiative aimed at bridging the gender funding gap. Our mission is to cultivate a generation of unstoppable entrepreneurs.

About Angela Shurina

Angela is a multidisciplinary Executive High Performance Coach for tech founders, leaders, tech teams, and startups.

She is the founder and head coach of “Brain Breakthrough Coaching” on a mission to unlock more of the hidden human potential in purpose-driven companies.

In her work, Angela uniquely blends neuroscience research, the psychology of high performance with supporting integrative brain-body health, nutrition, stress resilience, productivity, and mindset tools.
Angela helps purpose-driven founders, leaders, and teams build their vision faster, without burnout, creating more time, health, and freedom, and personalized work-life balance, thriving amid uncertainty, unpredictability, and global/local challenges.

An interesting fact about Angela: she graduated with a degree in computer science but then transitioned to her strongest passion – coaching. She’s originally from Russia, Siberia, Surgut and for the past 15 years lived in 15 countries as a digital nomad before settling in Cape Town, SA.

If you are interested to learn more about PowerUp Globally, visit this page or contact us by scheduling a 30-min call here.

If you are interested in more coaching and would like to speak with Angela, schedule a call here.

Let’s change the startup world together so that every female founder can make her dream come true!